Culinary Security Solutions

Culinary Security Solutions

Our Main Focus is To Keep Passengers Safe and Uphold the Reputation of The Airlines.

IFPLS has partnered with premier catering security providers globally, delivering top-quality services through a team of highly trained security professionals not only at major US airports but worldwide. Our commitment to excellence sets the highest standards in the Catering Security industry. Whether mandated by airport authorities or requested as a specialized service by clients, IFPLS ensures compliance with TSA regulations and international standards.

Our comprehensive Catering Security services encompass the inspection of catering equipment, employing search and seal or search and monitor procedures. We utilize customized seals for International, Domestic, and Charter flights, extending our services to numerous catering facilities globally.

Inclusive of Catering Security and escorting services is the verification of truck seals in the Air Operation Area (AOA). Our dedicated security agents meet catering vehicles at the aircraft or AOA entry point, ensuring seal integrity through verification and documentation. Official retention of truck seal forms is provided to enhance the security process.

For further information, please contact Experience the high point of Catering Security with IFPLS.

IFPLS is the best flight support company in the world, and we are working hard to be “Your Intensive Flight Operations Care”.